Saturday, November 15, 2014

Rough Draft -Thesis

1. Although education plays a huge role in the success of an individual, if you follow your dreams, your heart will lead you to the path your future is down.

2. If you follow your dreams, your road to success will be a lifetime of education.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Strategy 5

Catherine E. Ross and Marieke Van Willigen have written numerous articles at Ohio State University. Education and the Subjective Quality of Life argues that, "The well educated are less likely to divorce, probably due to the fact that they marry later and do so under more favorable economic conditions(Houseknect and Spanier 1980)".

Ross, Catherine E. Van Willigen, Marieke. "Education and the Subjective Quality of Life." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 38.3 (1997): 275-297. Web.3 September 1997.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Youtube Video Summary

In order for an individual to be able to figure out the meaning of their future, they must allow their past to shape them into the human being they aspire to be. This will give them the confidence to follow their heart. Following their heart will lead them to where they are meant to be in life, regardless of the struggles the encounter on their journey. Our generation is so concerned about making a lot of money, they forget about the true meaning of life, happiness. If you make a lot of money, but you hate what you do, you are not living your life to the fullest potential. More importantly, if you love what you do you will always be happy. By practicing something you eventually become a master of it, and by being a master of something you have unlimited options. You have a limited amount of time to live your life, so you might as well spend it doing something you cherish. We cannot let “dogma” get in the way of our own happiness. Dogma is living with the results of other peoples thinking. If you allow the opinions of others to intervene with your life, you will never enjoy life. Force yourself to have the courage to follow your own heart and always put your love first whether it’s your job or other people.

theJourneyofPurposeTJOP. “Follow Your Heart.” Online Video Clip. Youtube. TJOP, 14 April 2014. Web. 1 November 2014.

Academic Article Summary

            This article illustrates the correlation between having an education and being satisfied in life. Well-educated people tend to have increased levels of well-being, economic resources, as well as increased control of life and stable relationships. Educated individuals tend to have less stress than those who are uneducated. Education goes past having a job, being financially stable, and power in the work environment. It leads to the individual’s psychological well-being. Educated individuals are more content with their work and economic conditions. They also have increased levels of support from their spouse and children. However, educated men and woman tend to get married later in their life due to their focus on school and their studies. This causes the divorce rate for these individuals to decrease because they are more mature and they know what the want at this stage in their life. Educated men and women tend to have fewer children than those of a lesser education due to their age. They are also less likely to have financial issues, which is no surprise. Educated individuals are more satisfied with their lives and tend to live a longer life as well.

Ross, Catherine E. Van Willigen, Marieke. “Education and the Subjective Quality of Life.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 38.3 (1997): 275-297. Web. 3 September 1997.